Guam Family Law Office (formerly known as the Agana Legal Clinic) has been owned and operated by Attorney William (Bill) Pesch for 18 years. The Guam Family Law Office offers a wide variety of family-related legal services for Guam residents and also offers consent divorces for persons living outside of Guam, who, for a variety of reasons, find divorcing on Guam more convenient than their home state or country.
~ Attorney Pesch has been practicing law for 30 years ~
Under Guam law, married couples residing outside of the island can obtain a Guam divorce if they meet certain requirements. First, both non-resident spouses must consent to the divorce. Second, both must sign documents in front of a U.S. notary public. And third, one spouse must come to Guam and stay for a minimum of seven consecutive days. The entire process usually takes from 3 to 6 weeks. Guam divorces are recognized throughout all 50 States and U.S. Territories.
For many people residing outside of Guam, the island has become a convenient place to pursue their divorce. The reasons for wanting to seek a divorce on Guam differ. For American civilian and military personnel living overseas, their host countries may not allow divorces, or the country's divorce procedures may be time-consuming, confusing, and/or very expensive. For those couples residing within the United States, their state divorce laws may require lengthy waiting periods or require provisions distasteful to both parties. For all these reasons, obtaining a divorce on Guam is a welcome alternative.